Garcia Family Travel


July 30, 2017

As Summer 2017 comes to a close, I can’t help but look back on all the beautiful memories made and be so thankful. Our little family of 5 had so many fun adventures with family and friends, from a vacation to San Diego, staycations in Scottsdale, trips to Tucson, and lake days!

Since summer is almost over, I wanted to share some highlights from our summer!


This summer was a summer of growth for my husband and I. We grew closer and I fell so much deeper in love with him (which I didn’t think was possible). Cue the song “Then” by Brad Paisley. But seriously, this man works so hard for our family and has our backs no matter what. We are so lucky!!

While in Tucson, we stopped for lunch at Sauce and dessert at Frost. When I was younger and lived in Tucson, I frequented both Sauce and Frost, so it’s always fun taking the family there!

Candid photo from my friend Bre.

This summer, my mom moved and we were SOOOO excited because her new house has the most amazing pool! We have spent every weekend at her house swimming this summer.

We also spent so many nights with friends having a BLAST. One of my favorite nights was spent at Main Event sans kids (which never happens)!

And of course, so many playdates with my husband’s “brothers” and their families!

The girls grew so much this summer, too. From the way they talk, to their interests, to their size!

(Towel from one of my favorite brands, TOBI.)

In June, we took the whole fam to San Diego and had a BLAST. We got to watch my brother-in-law’s ship port and it was so fun!

Anthony and Deuce waiting for Uncle X’s ship to port!

My sister-in-law and niece, Aria! She waited 6 months for her hunny!

Anthony, Uncle X, and Deuce.

We also had an amazing lake day on my brother-in-law’s parents’ boat! My sister-in-law and brother-in-law were able to convince me (push me) to jump off the boat… after that, I was in love with the water. Probably one of my favorite days all summer. I can’t wait to go back!

And that’s a wrap! Summer 2k17 was such a blast!

So thankful for everyone that made this summer the best one yet!



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