Deuce Garcia Family

Deuce is 3 months old!

July 7, 2016

I cannot believe that my little baby boy turned THREE MONTHS OLD yesterday! I mean, three months of life…already? I don’t know how it always goes by so quickly. His first three months have been anything but easy. He had a rough start, and it hasn’t slowed down since. But I wouldn’t trade or change even the hardest moments.

Parenting is equal parts rewarding and exhausting. And having a tiny baby with a scary condition that requires surgery is terrifying. Yet, everyday he looks up at me with his big, hazel eyes, and I fall deeper in love. I am absolutely in love with every inch of him. He is perfect in every single way and I am so blessed to be his mama.

Milestone Cards - Milestone Baby - 3 months - weekly baby pictures

Milestone cards | Lorena Canals rug | Dockatot | Finn + Emma paci clip


Deuce has started smiling in response to our voices! It is so much fun talking to him because of how much he loves it. He has laughed a few times in his sleep, so we are waiting for him to start laughing while awake! He is also a pro at finding me from across the room and can follow us with his eyes. (We have these cards that make it so easy to remember milestones! They have cards for each month, holiday, sitting up, smiling, walking, eating food, etc! Such a fun idea and I wish we had had these with the girls.)


Little man has good nights and bad nights. He sleeps in bed with us (he literally won’t sleep unless we are skin to skin) and nurses throughout the night. I’m not being strict with him like I was with the girls. I don’t know if this is because of his condition or because I know he’s my last, but I’m trying to savor every sweet moment, even if that means he sleeps with us until he’s 12!;) Well, ask me again in a few years, haha.


Deuce is exclusively breastfed. He loves mama’s milk and hates bottles. He’s had a few “tastes” of food (thanks to my mother-in-law, ha!) and he really seems to like it. But I’m trying to hold off on solids until at least 6 months!


He has started cooing and responding to us. It’s the sweetest ever and makes my mama heart melt! He’s also said “mama” TWICE while crying!!!


He is a lover. He wants cuddles all day long. He only cries if he’s not being held (like I said- exhausting, but rewarding). He loves to be rocked to sleep. He loves when Harlym talks to him, but isn’t so fond of Brooklynn, yet. The way his face lights up when daddy gets home from work and talks to him, makes me fall deeper in love with both of them. He has a strong bond with both his daddy and me, and we LOVE it.

Milestone Cards - Milestone Baby - 3 months - weekly baby pictures

Milestone Cards c/o

We met with his plastic surgeon on Wednesday morning (the plastic surgeon and neurosurgeon work together to fix his head). She gave us a lot more information as far as what to expect before and after the surgery. We will have to go to the hospital 1-2 days before his surgery to do blood work in preparation for a blood transfusion (as 85% of these surgeries require one). After the surgery, he will be in ICU and spend the first night there. She said to expect the first night to be really hard. If everything goes well, the second night will be spent in a regular room. And if that goes well, we will get to go home! We were also told that it takes babies around 6-8 weeks to get back into their “normal” routines, so expect a few hard weeks.

Around 10 days after his surgery, he will be fitted for a helmet. He will have to wear the helmet for three months, 23 hours a day. This part really scared me… 23 hours a day. I know babies are reslisient and they’ll adjust, but he hates anything touching his head, so I know he isn’t going to like any of this.

This meeting with the plastic surgeon also made my husband and I realize how expensive this is all going to be. Even after the surgery and helmets and follow ups… He will have to see the plastic surgeon and neurosurgeon for YEARS. We are praying like crazy for peace and hope and healing. And we seriously appreciate those of you who have donated and prayed.

Like I’ve said, he will be okay. We will be okay. And gosh, you guys, he is BEAUTIFUL!!! We are so in love and thank you all for following his journey!!


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three months update - deuce




  • Reply
    July 7, 2016 at 5:18 pm

    He is such a sweetheart <3

  • Reply
    July 7, 2016 at 9:19 pm

    He is beautiful. You are an amazing mama!

  • Reply
    Stefanie S
    July 8, 2016 at 9:23 am

    Happy 3 months, Deuce!

  • Reply
    July 8, 2016 at 12:21 pm

    Congratulations to you and your family! Thank you for sharing your story; I am not familiar with your son’s condition. Best wishes on your journey for health and healing xo

  • Reply
    July 8, 2016 at 1:15 pm

    He is growing like a weed! My little will have a helmet starting in August. 23 hours is a daunting number when you first hear it. Your outlook on what is to come is inspiring – you are a strong mama. Praying for the weeks ahead and for the entire process start to finish. Thank you for sharing.

  • Reply
    July 8, 2016 at 1:48 pm

    You are such a strong and inspiring mama! I’m glad I found you blog so I can follow along with your journey. Happy 3 months cutie!

  • Reply
    July 8, 2016 at 2:15 pm

    He’s such a cutie!!!

  • Reply
    July 8, 2016 at 9:26 pm

    Happy 3 months sweet Deuce!

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